Nanhoron Farms Limited has made a commitment over the last few years to Glastir, the Welsh Government Rural Communities – Rural Development Programme.
This has included undertaking the following:-
100s of metres of drystone wall is constantly maintained on the farm, which in turn provides a habitat for numerous insects, birds and small mammals. See recent photos
100s of metres new earth banks, which also encourages insect life creating wildlife corridors.
The creation of numerous new ponds.
Stock exclusion woodlands and reedbeds.
250 acres of diverse woodland, including 100 acres of hazel coppice.
Creation of livestock corridors.
Reed beds.
Actively planted for wild bird covers.
And creation of low input of fertilizer pastures.
All of these measures are to increase and encourage wild-life and wild fauna, flora and foliage, one of which is the white marsh orchid. These measures have also encouraged wild bird residency. Yellow hammers, curlews, red kites, buzzards and peregrin falcons, barn owls and lesser horse-shoe bats have all been spotted in these areas. Owl boxes have been placed around this area in order to encourage nesting.